
Jeri The Pooh, Part 3

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 Jeri the Pooh, Part 3

    After the episode with the tree Jeri and Christopher Robin went their separate ways. Jeri had dried herself off from being soaked in the pond but was no less hungry than before.  Her stomach was giving her even stronger pangs of hunger.  Furthermore from her fall her body ached almost everywhere.  Her babies were still kicking around so she figured they were okay.
    Since she ran out of balloons trying to climb another tree was not going to work.  Even if she wanted to, or could, she probably wouldn't make it all of the way up with how much she ached right now.  Going back home to eat something else was no good because she really wanted honey. 
    She wandered around for a bit, trying to think about somewhere she could go for honey.  She walked and walked and walked (well waddled, really), and when nothing popped into her head she plopped down on the ground to think a little harder.  Where would one find honey that wasn't in a tree...very high up...or guarded by angry bees? she thought.  Well...honey rhymes with bunny, and bunny...Rabbit!  Eureka!
    A little while later she waddled her way to Rabbit's house at another end of the forest.  Like Jeri's place it was a home built under an aging tree.  Unlike Jeri's place Rabbit's had more of a mount of earth to be built into.  Also Rabbit had what you'd expect for a front and back door of something like a, well, rabbit: a simple hole through the ground to the inside.
    As she walked past a nearby fence she spotted another creature apparently grazing off on it's own: a short, little donkey that looked partly like a stuffed animal.  It looked at Jeri with a drooped face that reminded her of a hound dog.
    "Hello, there!"
    "Hello..." it replied in a very low, slow, down-and-out kind of voice.
    "How's everything going?"
    "Oh, I guess okay.  Don't matter, really.  Something bad will probably happen soon enough."
    "Uh...okay, well, bye!"  Sheesh, what a downer...
    As Jeri continued on a shiver went up her spine about the sweetness of the honey she was about to get.  That shiver also prompted her babies to kick around a little bit and her hands went to patting her stomach back.  She waddled up to the front door, looked in to see if he was there but it was too dark.
    "Hello there!  Is anybody home?"  Jeri asked loudly.  She waited for a response but nothing replied back.  "Hmm, uh.  Hi!  Rabbit?  Is anybody home?"
    "No!" was the response.
    Jeri thought for a moment that someone might not be there.  But the only way someone could reply was if they were there.  "Huh...wait a second, Rabbit is that you?"
    "Nooo!"  Now the voice was definitely sounding like Rabbit.
    "But that sounds like you."
    There was a pause that hung in the air.  Jeri walked towards the hole and stuck her head in to look.
    "I don't think so," said the voice in deeper pitch now.  "He doesn't sound like that to me."  But Jeri saw that it was Rabbit, speaking into an empty pot.
    "Hello, Rabbit!"
    “Oh…you!  Why, why, what a pleasant surprise, Jeri,” spoke Rabbit, trying to hide a pot behind him and looking innocent-like and as though he wasn't dreading having her there.  “Uh, how about lunch?”
    “Well thank you, Rabbit,” replied Jeri as she started to crawl through the hole.  Part-way, though, she felt her belly get squeezed and stuck while it was still inside the little tunnel of a doorway.  “Mmph, huh?”
“Oh dear-"
    “Oh, uh, don’t worry, just a second.  Hrrrgh!”  When pushing against the doorway didn’t quite work she sucked in her gut to give herself a little room.  Then after a couple contortions and a bit of a *pop* she got free, tumbling onto the floor of the dining room.  “Ah, there we go.  You oughta get that door widened, you know?”  After heaving herself back up, and not waiting for an invitation, she headed straight for the dinner table.
    “And, uh, help yourself…” said Rabbit with some resignation.
    Jeri went right ahead to plop herself onto a chair, getting together some silverware and a napkin.  Thankfully the chair was high enough that she could reach them while giving her belly enough room to hang underneath the table.
    "Well, uh, would you like some condensed milk or some bread with your honey?"
    "No thank you.  I'll just a serving of the good stuff."
    Rabbit opened up a pot of the honey and poured a little onto Jeri's plate.  What landed occupied about the same space as a thin pancake didn't look like a whole lot.
    "Is something wrong?"
    “Well, I kinda wanted a lot more than that.  I haven’t had anything to eat all morning and I’m also eating for two.”  Or was it for ten? she thought, patting her tummy.
    “Well perhaps it would save time if you just took the jar,” replied Rabbit.  At that line Jeri’s closest hand swooped the pot from Rabbit’s paws.  With a speed unseen from her today she managed to scoot the chair back enough to give her room to stand while she planted the pot in front of her on the table.
    “Thank you, Rabbit!  You’re too kind.”  Right away she dug a hand in to get a mouthful of the stuff and shoved it into her mouth.
    That kindness exhibited by Rabbit previously had later resulted in Jeri consuming nearly all of the honey in sight.  Each time a pot was emptied Jeri asked - politely - for another.  As time passed each one was building up a pile around the table.  Eventually Rabbit's supply of honey was completely eaten.
    “Ohhhhhhhh boy, that…really…Hit.  The.  Spot, Rabbit.”  Jeri stood up from her chair having finished off the last pot, smiling and giving her belly a pat and rub - at least as much as she could manage.  There was no room for imagination as to what spot that honey went.  Her gravid gut was even larger than before, ballooning outward way beyond the reach of both her arms and her feet.  She had to arch her back even more so than before, trying to attain some sense of balance instead of falling forward.  “But I think I should be going now.  So…goodbye, Rabbit!”  Jeri awkwardly bent forward to shake Rabbit’s paw before turning around, waddling to the entrance with a wide gait.  Her expanded belly bobbed from side to side much more so than before.
    “Well, uh, goodbye, if you’re sure you won’t have anymore...”
    Jeri stopped in her tracks in front of the door, turning back with anticipation.  “Is there any more?”
    “No, no there isn’t,” said Rabbit with a bit of disappointment.
    Jeri sighed a little.  “I thought not.”  Well, maybe Rabbit will have more tomorrow.  After wiping off some leftover honey on her face she reached through the hole entrance and started to pull herself through.  First went out the head, then her shoulders.  But then she stopped, getting to just a bit below her chest outside.  She pushed against the outside wall but still couldn’t progress.  "Hrrrgh!"  She pushed again, groaning with effort, and looked only to find that her enlarged belly was plugging up the hole.
    “Ah drat, I guess I can’t go out that way.”  She kicked with her legs trying to push herself in but her feet couldn’t find purchase on the wall or the floor.  Her middle was so massive her legs couldn't reach around it.  “I guess can’t go back in.  Oh bother.  I’m stuck.”
    Rabbit became flustered, seeing nothing but the yellow of Jeri's gargantuan gut and comparatively stubby legs in what was already a decently-sized door for his house.
    “Oh dear...oh...oh for goodness sake.  You know, this all comes from eating too much.”
    “Hnng!  No.  This all comes from not having these front doors big enough!  Oof!”
    Rabbit awkwardly braced against the lower parts of Jeri’s belly and pushed and pushed.  He then tried lift her gut and stuff her through the hole.  Jeri's expanded lower half creaked and bucked as they heaved.  And even though a lot of it was on the soft side rather than hard, but she wouldn't budge further.
    On Rabbit's last push, groaning as he did so, he realized this wasn't working. 
“Oh dear, it’s no use.  There’s only one thing to do.  I’ll go get Christopher Robin.”  With that Rabbit hopped as fast as he could, past Jeri's top half, into the distance uttering ‘Oh dear oh dear!’ repeatedly until it could be heard no more.
Jeri was left by herself to ponder what to do next.  “Darnit.  I should’ve known this would happen.  How could I have been so dimwitted?”
    Trying to make the most of it she tried shimmying and turning herself to make her current position more-bearable but she was uncomfortable regardless.  And trying to "twist" herself didn't seem to do anything with helping her get free.  Not entirely knowing what was going on her babies started kicking up a storm in response.  Jeri grunted a little as they did so.  “Well at least you all are not out here to witness mom being less than graceful.  Don’t worry.  Mommy will get us out of here...somehow...”
    A little while later Jeri heard a familiar voice.
    “Hold on, Jeri!  We’ll get you out,” called out Christopher Robin.
    The stuffed donkey grazing nearby looked on before adding to the situation.  “Well…maybe…”
    Well you’re a bunch of help, thought Jeri, suddenly realizing that he'd been grazing there all this time without so much as an interest in the situation.
Come on, give me your hand,” said Christopher.  Jeri offered it and Christopher tugged.  He groaned and grunted and she grimaced with each of his pulls.  Even with him being bigger and stronger she still could not be lodged free.  All she felt was her middle being squeezed and squeezed and squeezed some more, but still too big to fit through the door.  The little ones inside her started to kick some more, reacting to their home’s shifting shape, making her wince.
    “Owwww!  Oh it’s no use.  I’m stuck,” sobbed Jeri.
    “Well, if we can’t pull you out perhaps we can push you back.”
    “Well maybe we should-” started Jeri.
“What?!  Oh gracious!”  Rabbit then suddenly hopped towards the back of his house and out of sight.  A couple moments passed by with Jeri and Chris exchanging glances.  Then…
    “Ack!”  Jeri felt something shoved up and against her belly.  “Hey!  Hnng!”  She wiggled her lower half to try to move but she could only nudge a little to the sides. 
    "What's wrong?" asked Christopher.
    "Nngh, I don't know.  Rabbit...stuck something into me!"  She then started wiggling her legs to try to get a feel for what it was.  Her feet found it and worked their way around its shape but Jeri couldn't figure it out.
Then Rabbit reappeared.  “Well, having gotten this far it seems a pity to waste it,” added Rabbit.
    “What did you do?” asked Jeri as she tried again to wiggle her lower half.
    "I just used one of my chairs to make sure you didn't accidentally slip back in."
    Jeri frowned, especially with how much discomfort she was already feeling.  "A chair?  Seriously?"
    “Well, I guess there’s only one thing we can do.  Wait for you to get thin again,” said Christopher.
“Wait, what?  I don’t think that would work.  I don’t think these little ones are going to-oof!”  One of them kicked at her ribs.  She reflexively looked back at them but only saw the ground that she was stuffed through.  “-are going to come out soon.  And they'll be getting bigger while we wait for my tummy to finish up that honey.  You know how long that will take?”
“Days…weeks…months…who knows…"  Everyone turned to look at the donkey, still being the onlooker at this situation.
“Oh <bleep> you…wha-?  What was that?” 
    Christopher covered his mouth in shock.  Rabbit was a bit surprised at Jeri’s choice of language but didn’t have as much of a reaction. 
    “Oh dear.  You shouldn’t use that kind of language.  This is a children’s program, you know.”
Between her pinching belly, no way of anyone helping her out of this predicament, and now the apparent live language censoring Jeri got really angry.  “Oh…WHATEVER!  I’m not waiting here.  If you won’t help me then…mmph fine!” 
    Hoping her anger would immediately translate into super strength she started pushing against the ground around the hole harder than before to force her way out.  She grunted as she heaved, trying to imagine herself as the contortionist from earlier so that she could get out of a tight situation like this.  Not getting any more progress she started trying to dig at the ground below her to make the hole bigger but the ground was too hard to do much. 
    Everyone else started to leave while she fretted, groaned, cursed, and grunted into heaving herself out.  But all she did was wedge herself further into the hole and now she wasn’t able move at all.  She couldn't even twist herself just for the heck of it.  Instead of being a plug she essentially became a cork.  Meanwhile her belly really ached from being squeezed much more so than it probably should.
Inside all she could hear was Rabbit talking to himself, sounding depressed, making a comment about looking at “her” for seemingly months, among other things.  She honestly tuned out Rabbit as he continued babbling and instead hung there, arms crossed as tried to think about what to do next.  Then suddenly...
    “Ooof!” grunted Jeri as something simultaneously squeezed together her hips, upper legs, and her lower belly together.
    “Huh…no, nononono…”
    *creak*  *creak*
“Hnnng-guh!” uttered Jeri as she somehow twisted a bit and then back.  She then felt that something had turned and was now clamped around her belly and back, putting a genuine squeeze on her that was very uncomfortable.  It kinda felt...square in shape of sorts.  She tried to kick in protest but her legs were restrained by whatever the object was.  Her babies didn’t understand what was happening and started moving around in the newly adjusted shape of her belly.
    “Hmm, perhaps a splash of color?” said Rabbit on the other side.  Jeri wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing.  “Hmm, no.  It just doesn’t give that rustic informal look.”  As his voice disappeared Jeri shuddered to think what he was going to do next.  Then it happened.
    “Ooof!  Ow.  Hey!”
    Something was jammed – or stabbed – against her belly and whatever it was clasped around it.  Furthermore she then felt her right leg was being bent and forced upwards by the object.  She painfully grunted again as a second thing was inserted on her left side.
    "Uh huh, there we go," continued Rabbit, oblivious to her added discomfort.  She she felt something "touching" her lower belly, in spots and lines.  Unlike just before it was light and felt a little wet and cold.
    "Oh!  What are you doing?  That, ooh, that tickles!"  As she chuckled a little from the sensation apparently it wasn't the same on the other side.
    "Oh, messed up my moose!" called out a distraught Rabbit.
    "What the <bleep> are you talking about?"  A bit of wind brushed into Jeri as she hung there, and whatever came with it tickled her nose some.  "Ah..." she uttered anticipating a sneeze.  It didn't come, but the feeling of an impending sneeze intensified.  "Ah...AH...AH-CHOO!" 
    After Jeri's head stopped apparently spinning from that heck of a sneeze she realized that she could move her legs again and her belly wasn't feeling so constricted.  Somehow she managed to kick off whatever Rabbit was doing to her as her belly didn't feel clamped-down on and her legs could move.  And evidently something else nearby might've been fragile as there were some crashing sounds from within the house mixed in with sobs from Rabbit.
    "Why did I ever think to invite that girl in for lunch?  Why oh why oh why?"
    "Geez, that was uncomfortable.  Hey, Rabbit!  What were you trying to d-do...?"  Jeri's question was interrupted as she felt her body shift some.  "Huh?"  Somehow the squeeze on her midsection didn't feel quite as painful.  She twisted a little bit and realized that she got herself a bit more loose which was good-ish.  But then she felt herself budge somewhat but going backwards.  "Uh oh..."  As she tried to shift herself she slipped a little further into Rabbit's house.  "Oh no, nononono I want 'out' not 'in'!"  She tried to grab onto something but before it was no use.  Her bigger and heavier lower half was quickly falling back in and she could only roll with it.

Part 3 of this series.  Battered and even more hungry our main character searches for the ever-elusive honey and gets more than she bargained for.

Image credit goes :iconsaburox: from a piece I commissioned for this character (thanks once again!) so don't forget to go to his gallery to see the full work.

Part 1:…
Part 2:…
The End? (Not Quite)

Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of "Winnie the Pooh" or any characters represented in these works.
© 2015 - 2024 yunon
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